According to evaluation theorem is appraised not the object of real estate or right to it. The real estate assessment is one of the most common types of evaluation activity and includes determination of cost of property rights or other rights (for example, lease right, use right, construction right and etc...). Estimation of real estate – is a difficult process, which purpose is to determine such type of real estate, which is fixedly connected to the plot and its moving is impossible without disproportionate use of damage to its destination. The objects of evaluation are the plot and everything, which is associated with the land, including buildings of industrial, social and culture purposes, structures, objects of incomplete construction and other improvements, such as located in the plot engineering networks and communications, which are necessary for functioning buildings and structures, and also its parts and complexes.
The purpose of the real estate estimation is the determination of the required type of value, acting herewith as an independent disinterested part. The main cause which is encouraging the client to order a report about the real estate estimation, -is the satisfaction of the requirements in accordance with the purposes of the expected use of evaluation results. The appraiser must be informed about the expected use of evaluation report, because therefore depends on what theoretic knowledges are appropriates to the evaluation and practical techniques of estimation, he must be apply in his researches to get a justified conclusion. Although the appraiser also can choose a determined type of evaluation and use different methods of evaluation, and that choosing must be due to the knowledge that how the report of estimation will be further used. In this way if in the formulation of the estimation purposes is determined the type of value, which is necessary to determine, and also the package of rules, that in the formulation of the estimation functions is determined its further using. The purpose for what is performed the evaluation of the real estate (its function, appointment), is the determining factor in choosing an adequate base of estimation and accordingly in choosing a concrete approaches and methods of the property estimation.